
Kapi and eV-Teknology reinforced their long-standing commitment

Kapi and eV-Teknology reinforced their long-standing commitment to support the military community by signing the Pomilès Manifesto.

Through this symbolic action, our subsidiaries are committed to support the men and women of our armies by implementing benevolent actions towards active and reserve military personnel, the wounded, veterans, and towards their spouses and families. Actions such as

  1. Adopt and promote a benevolent attitude towards its employees whose lives are directly or indirectly affected by a commitment to the army
  2. To pay special attention to employment opportunities that may benefit military spouses and veterans
  3. Treat with understanding the constraints generated by the absence of a spouse on a mission;
  4. Take into account the needs of employees in the Operational Reserve
  5. Collaborate with the military’s ad-hoc structures in order to deal with the related issues.

On December 15, 2022, at the Hôtel des Invalides, the president of the NovaKamp Group signed on behalf of the subsidiary Kapi, the Promilès Manifesto with General Abad, Military Governor of Paris.


On July 11, 2023, the Director of eV-Teknology signed the Promilès Manifesto with Air General Laurent Lherbette, general officer of the defense and security South-West zone.
